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"A Night to Remember" by Morgan Matson [Review]

I am a fan of Morgan Matson and thought it was interesting that this book was only available in audio form, so I thought I’d try it.

Poppy has her life planned out. All so she can achieve her goal: Stanford. And the morning of her alumni interview, she's positive everything will work out. Then she wakes up the morning after the interview with a bump on her head, a new wardrobe, a haircut, and no memory of the last 24 hours. And worst of all, she's locked out of her Instagram. Which the interviewer needs access to... or her Stanford acceptance could be in jeopardy. So with the help of her friends, she races against the clock to find out what happened.

Although shorter, this is your typical Morgan Matson YA Romance book. I like that just like Poppy, we were learning about what happened during those missing 24 hours. I enjoyed trying to figure out what happened some conclusions were surprising, and some were ‘I thought so’s.

I would have enjoyed more scenes with the new love interest in it but I did enjoy the scenes with Poppy’s friends. I would have wanted it to be longer, too. I hope the author releases a Kindle version of it for those who can’t listen to it audibly.

For fans of Morgan Matson, lighthearted/beach romances, or a little mystery, pick up this book and read it. The only regret you’ll have…the story’s too short.

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