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"The Girls of Firefly Cabin" by Cynthia Ellingsen [Review]

I got an advanced copy of this book from Edelweiss Plus in exchange for a review. Thank you, Edelweiss Plus!

Four girls (Lauren, Jade, Isla, and Archer) meet their first day at Camp Blueberry Pine when they are all assigned to the same cabin: Firefly Cabin (hence the name of the book) and slowly become friends. They all have personal "baggage" they brought to camp.

All the girls are different: Lauren's an orphan who's at camp because she won a scholarship, but doesn't want the other girls to know. Archer's a rebel who's mean older sister, Makayla, is a camp regular that picks on her. Isla, the only daughter of a strict New York City couple, struggles not only with having asthma, but her feelings about a boy she met just before camp. And finally there's Jade, whom comes to camp just months after the death of her best friend.

I loved that all the girls were similar (newbies at camp), yet different. These felt like real girls telling their story (though the story is in 3rd person narrative). It reminded me of when I went to camp when I was younger, and the friendships I wish I could have. I didn't have trouble keeping up, and there's really nothing bad I could say about the book. It's a great story about the magic of friendship at camp.

If you like friendship stories or camp stories, this book would be ideal for you.

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